Thursday, February 24, 2011

We Know We're Cute

70.00 plus s&h
These two little mugs look like models on the runway, posing in the light with their hands on their hips. You know, it's weird - when I finish a still life, it tells me what the title should be. On this one, I tried to change the title to something more academic, but the painting just wouldn't let me! I got these hand blown mugs at an antique store, and the red just grabbed me and I had to buy them.


  1. Beautiful colors, shadows and lights.

  2. Love everything about this one. The reflections from the one of the left are killer good! Fun title and looks like you had fun painting this one. With attitude:)

  3. WOW! Everything about this piece is beautiful.
    Love the red!!!

  4. Your title makes me smile! I'm still smiling as I'm typing! Lovely colors and reflections, too.

  5. I love the way you captured the transparency of that beautiful red glass. The cast reflections and shadows absolutely sing! Beautiful strokes.

  6. I just want to say a big thank you to everyone who posts comments about my work. I look forward to the helpful feedback and the affirmation that what I'm doing has merit. I also welcome any criticism, as this moves me forward as an artist. Thank you!
